ChildrenFirst Approach
At ChildrenFirst, we understand the challenge of caring for medically fragile and medically complex infants and children. We respond to their needs with unsurpassed skill, unlimited love and compassion. We offer a single, reliable solution to the diverse needs of fragile infants and children and their families. You can rely on us for care and support, while our integrated medical services make life simpler and more manageable for your child.
ChildrenFirst Health Care System offers complete pediatric health care through six specialized pediatric home care and ancillary care service divisions, all committed to the goal of healthy living and growth for pediatric patients.
ChildrenFirst Pediatric Services
Where Children Come First
Pediatric Nursing
ChildrenFirst Home Health Care Services provides individualized pediatric private duty nursing and in-home therapy services throughout the greater Central Florida area. Our pediatric caregivers include registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech and respiratory therapists.
Pediatric Group Homes
Pediatric Pavilion, Inc. operates residential group homes throughout Central Florida focused on children with special medical and developmental needs. These Medical Group Homes provides a transitional care environment to help clients transition smoothly from a hospital, preventing hospital readmissions, in a peaceful residential environment with having 24/7 medical care.
Out-Patient Therapy
ChildrenFirst Therapy Services provides a full range of pediatric Physical (PT), Occupational (OT) and Speech (ST or SLP) therapies to infants and children in our Central Florida community. These services are designed to maximize your child’s independence, helping them reach their full potential.
View Patient Therapy

Medical Day Care
Prescribed Pediatric Extended Care (PPEC)
ChildrenFirst’s Central Florida PPEC locations are award-winning medical day care centers dedicated to the best care of medically fragile infants and children.
Our PPEC centers are specifically designed to optimize the development of each child’s independence, while helping them reach their full potential. Daily care at our center involves clinical interventions, therapy services, and educational activities.
Central Florida Youth Health News
Durable Medical Equipment
Pediatric Medical Equipment, Supplies & Enteral Nutrition
Children’s Home Medical Equipment, Inc. is a full-service pediatric Durable Medical Equipment (DME) provider servicing all of your home medical equipment and enteral nutrition needs. We are specialists in serving the most highly technical, medically complex pediatric patients.
We take your child’s health seriously, so our medical equipment team is always available, including weekends and nights, when your urgent question arises. Need service assistance? We’ll do after hours service too!